An exhibition related to gas turbines, turbo machines, related power systems and their accessories, parts, materials, instrumentation, application software, etc. will be held concurrently at the congress site exhibition hall. Please refer to the Call for Exhibitors document EN | JP for details on participating in the Exhibition. The initial deadline for applications is 31 January 2023.
[2023.05.11] Application for booth space for the IGTC 2023 Kyoto Exhibition is now closed. Information on participating exhibitors will be available here shortly.
International Gas Turbine Congress 2023 Kyoto Exhibition
Organized by:
Gas Turbine Society of Japan
Kyoto International Conference Center
2023.11.27 (Mon.) -30 (Thu.)
27 (Mon.) 12:00 – 17:00
28 (Tue.) – 29 (Wed.) 10:00 – 17:00
30 (Thu.) 10:00 – 14:00
Exhibition Content:
An exhibition related to gas turbines, turbo machines, related power systems and their accessories, parts, materials, instrumentation, application software, etc.
Entry Fee:
Exhibitor List:

#1 – Sankyo International Corporation
Sankyo International is a trading company that specializes in measuring technologies used for power generation including nuclear power, aerospace development, the development of railways and automobiles and development of other vehicles for transportation such as aircraft and ships.
In this exhibition, we exhibit non-contact blade vibration monitoring equipment, telemeter systems and pressure scanners for rotating machineries.

#2 – Fuji Techno Industries Corporation
Since we launched our original Super Metering Pump products in 1983, the company has been attaining growth as a pump manufacturer.
From a professional viewpoint, we are able to identify practical products in the world, which meet customers’ requirements. Once we grasp needs of customers, we will search for suitable products and deliver them to the customers.

“Agile Engineering Design System” is an integrated solution tools delivering the Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) software for turbomachinery. It covers the entire design and manufacturing process very smoothly for Turbomachinery from 1D/Preliminary sizing through 3D/Final Design, with full fluid dynamics, mechanical stress, and vibration analysis and then generating accurate and efficient tool path while simultaneously minimizing overall design/manufacturing time.
And we also provide turbomachinery design, design review, manufacturing and performance test.
■ターボ機械開発統合支援システムAgile Engineering Design System ■

#4 – Concurrent Nippon Corporation
At our booth, we introduce Concurrent Realtime‘s Turbine Engine Simulation system – FADEC HIL equipment.
We also introduce the turbine engine blade vibration measurement tool – DS, gauge location optimization tool- GageMap, and offline analysis – DX from APEX Turbine Testing Technologies in the US.
当社ブースでは、Concurrent Realtime社のTurbine Engine Simulation system- FADEC HIL装置の御紹介をいたします。
また、米国APEX Turbine Testing Technologies 社のタービンエンジンの翼振動計測ツールDS、ゲージ位置最適化ツールのGageMap、オフライン解析DXを御紹介いたします。

#5 – Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Research on hydrogen aircraft, hydrogen electrified propulsion technology, combustor and high temperature turbine is shown in the JAXA booth.

#6 – ASME Gas Turbine Technology Group (IGTI)
Dedicated to supporting the international exchange and development of information to improve the design, application, manufacture, operation and maintenance, and environmental impact of all types of gas turbines, turbomachinery and related equipment. Join us for the annual ASME Turbo Expo.

#7 – Notre Dame Turbomachinery Laboratory
The Notre Dame Turbomachinery Laboratory (NDTL) Propulsion & Power is a research and development organization focused on the execution of large-scale, high-energy, high-complexity testing supported by leading-edge computational and analysis capabilities. Located in a 25,000 square foot facility in downtown South Bend’s Ignition Park, NDTL partners with industry and government in the development of advanced technologies required for conventional and high Mach air-breathing propulsion, energy generation, advanced thermal management, and energy storage solutions.

#8 – Cybernet Systems, CO., Ltd and Flownex SE
Flownex delivers technology to study how systems will behave in the real world, where fluid is the driving factor. Flownex system simulation relays the overall effect of changing specific properties on components, allowing clients to examine extensively all possible variations of a system in the design and optimization of systems.
Flownexは、タービン、ボイラーなどの機器およびそれらを組み合わせた大規模システムの発電プラント、パイプシステムや空調設備などのシステムを解析できるシステムレベル熱流体シミュレーションソフトウェアです。Flownex のシステム シミュレーションは、システムの一部の機器を変更した場合の全体的な影響を考慮し、お客様がシステムの設計と最適化においてシステムの考えられるすべてのバリエーションを広範囲に調査できるようにします。

#9 – Miba Industrial Bearings
Miba Industrial Bearings offers advanced bearings: tilting pad journal & thrust for demanding turbomachinery. Housing bearings (pedestal, end & center flange) feature hydrodynamic halves with adaptable installation via a modular system (ZF, ZM flanged; ZR, US pedestal). Sleeve Bearings for ensuring cost-effective rotor dynamics and various bore configurations for optimal performance.
Miba Industrial Bearingsは先進的な軸受を提供する。ターボ機械向けのジャーナル及びスラスト用ティルティングパッド軸受。ハウジング軸受(ペデスタル、エンド&センターフランジ)は、モジュラーシステム(ZF、ZMフランジ、ZR、USペデスタル)による適応性のある取り付けが可能なハイドロマティックハーフを特徴としている。スリーブベアリングは、費用対効果の高いローターダイナミクスと、最適な性能を実現する様々なボア形状に対応している。

The Ultimate High-Performance Anti-Vibration Locking System for bolted joints in critical application. Live-demonstrations on our mobile Junker vibration test stand will be available alongside professional advice.
Provides a complete solution to maintain the efficiency of gas turbines and compressors in the best possible way by regular ON-LINE cleaning before the blades become contaminated.
ドイツ・HEICO(ハイコ)社が提案する”ウェッジロックワッシャー”による確実なボルトの緩み⽌め対策製品をユンカー振動試験機(ドイツ工業規格:DIN65151に準じたボルトの緩み評価試験)を用いて軸力の変化と共に紹介する。また、M30以上のような太径のボルトでも、手動のトルクレンチ1本で誰でも安全に確実に締結ができる ”テンショニングナット”を紹介する。

#11 – INFINI JAPAN Co., Ltd
INFINI JAPAN CORP. provides super surface finishing service “MMP Technology®”, invented by BinC Industries (Switzerland). Surface finished parts by MMP Technology will be shown on the booth.
Mirror finish with keeping its shape, edge is enabled by MMP Technology. Additive sample like blade shape, tungsten carbide tool, block etc… will be exhibited.
インフィニジャパン株式会社は、スイスのBinC Industries社で2015年あたりに実用化された表面仕上げ技術「MMP Technology®」の受託加工メーカーです。本展示会では、MMP Technology®により表面を仕上げた部品を展示します。鏡面レベルへの仕上がり、複雑な形状でも仕上がること、仕上げに伴う形状変化が小さいことなどをご覧いただけます。手仕上げ職人の減少や、高精度な表面仕上げに課題がございましたら、解決の一助になれますので、ぜひお越し下さいませ。

#12 – National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, AIST
Our research work related to H2/NH3 gas turbines in AIST will be explained.
-H2, NH3 combustion technology
-Evaluation of high temperature materials
-Coating process
-Catalyst technology
-Temperature measurement technology for harsh environment

#13 – Everloy Shoji Co., Ltd.
Everloy has supplied spray nozzles and cemented carbide products for 85years.
We have supplied the best solution of spray nozzle by technology of designing and evaluation which are computational fluid dynamics(CFD) and flow rate distribution/ particle size measurement to various industries such as steel, power generation and pollution control.

#14 – Cadence Design Systems, Japan
Cadence provides a comprehensive solution from fluid analysis to optimization. At our exhibition booth, we will introduce Fidelity, our groundbreaking hybrid solver for structural and non structural grids, which dramatically improves computational speed.
We have prepared actual analysis cases that demonstrate Fidelity’s outstanding performance and wide range of applications. Please stop by and experience Fidelity’s flexible and intuitive interface.

<Laser peening> From the manufacturing by commissioning to the verification of the peening’s effect, we offer the best way to peening with the knowledge of the difference between shot peening and laser peening.
<Surface treatment for metal additive manufacturing> We solve the problems such as texture and durability with our various surface-treatment methods.

#16 – Shinwa Corporation
We are an engineering and trading company that handles filters and related equipment (Filter houses, Silencers, Ducts, etc.). Together with our manufacturing subsidiary, Japan Air Filter Co., Ltd., We are one of the pioneers in the GT intake filter industry, helping customers to improve GT performance and ensure stable operation from air filter side.
At this exhibition, we would like to introduce our main products such as air filters, and also the various technical support we can provide.
当社はフィルター・関連設備(フィルターハウス・サイレンサー・ダ クト等)を取り扱う技術商社です。製造部門の子会社である日本エアフィルター株式会社と共に、GT吸気フィルター業界の牽引役としてお客様の GT性能改善・安定稼動をサポートしております。

#17 – Siemens K.K.
Simcenter STAR-CCM+ has been laser focused on building models to accurately capture the physics of gas turbine engines. From inlet to exhaust, it is possible to simulate the real-world flow, chemistry and heat transfer of these complex machines. Incorporating these physical models into the same simulation results in fewer engineering assumptions and greater realism, ultimately leading to more robust, reliable and innovative designs.
Simcenter STAR-CCM+は、ガスタービンの物理を正確に捉えるモデルの構築に焦点を当ててきました。吸気から排気まで、これらの複雑な機械の実際の流れ、化学反応、熱伝達をシミュレートすることが可能です。これらの物理モデルを同じシミュレーションに組み込むことで、⼯学的な仮定が少なくなり、より現実的なシミュレーションが可能となり、最終的には、より堅牢で信頼性の⾼い⾰新的な設計を実現します。

#18 – Maruwa Electronic Inc.
Maruwa Electronic Inc. (MEI) is a unique company who provides the best solution on high speed rotational machineries for all the industrial application. MEI is traditionally a world leader of ultrahigh speed spin test facility. In addition new concept OEM units can be recently innovated with MEI’s core technologies which is high frequency electrical drives, high speed gearbox, turbo drives and combustion chamber incorporated by precise, reliable and robust control systems.

#19 – MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
MTU Maintenance Berlin‐Brandenburg GmbH, part of MTU Aero Engines, is a licensed provider of reliable, flexible and cost‐efficient maintenance, repair and overhaul solutions for General Electric LM series turbines and packages.
Services are performed at our center of excellence in Berlin‐Brandenburg, Germany, or on‐site by field service professionals within our worldwide network.
MTU Aero Enginesの一部であるMTU Maintenance Berlin‐Brandenburg GmbH(当社)は、GE製LMシリーズタービン/パッケージ向けのメンテナンス、修理、オーバーホールを担っており、信頼性が高く柔軟且つ費用対効果の高いソリューションをご提案させていただけるOEM認証社です。サービスは、ドイツのベルリン・ブランデンブルグに位置する当社中心拠点もしくは、当社の国際網より質の高いフィールドサービス技師を派遣しオンサイトで実施することもできます。

#20 – International Servo Data Corp.
Our company proposes/sells various measuring instruments for turbomachinery with high performance and high reliability. Our handling products are as follows.
Digital Telemeter System, Slip Ring, UCTS (Micro Crystal Temperature Sensor), THC (Thermal History Coating) and THP (Thermal History Paint), “Various instrumentation such as strain gauge for high temperature”, etc.

We demonstrate a versatile multi-point pressure and temperature scanner from Scanivalve, Inc. , and a flow velocity distribution measurement system with a multi-hole probe from Vectflow, Inc. that can be designed freely using a 3D metal printer.

#22 – Honda R&D Co., Ltd.
Honda started development of gas turbine engines in 1986. HF120, developed in partnership with GE and installed on HondaJet, has gained high confidence from the market. Our next challenge to serve people worldwide with the “joy of expanding their life’s potential,” is to develop a “gas turbine generator for eVTOL (electrical vertical take-off landing system).” The applied power units and key technologies will be exhibited.
Hondaは、1986年よりガスタービンエンジン開発に取り組み、GE社と共同開発したHF120は、現在HondaJetに搭載され市場からの高い信頼を獲得しています。次の挑戦のひとつとして、“生活の可能性が拡がる喜び”を提供するため、自社のコア技術を結集した “eVTOL(電動垂直離着陸機)用ガスタービンハイブリッド発電システム” の開発に取り組んでいます。本展示では、それらに使われているパワーユニットと主要技術の紹介を行います。

#23 – IHI Corporation
IHI designs, develops and manufactures various engines component modules and parts for small, medium to large and super large sized civil aircraft and participates in international collaborative projects.

#24 – Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines, Ltd.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Aero Engines, Ltd. (MHIAEL) is providing extensive range of technology, production and maintenance capability to worldwide aerospace customers.
MHIAEL will exhibit recent technology capability and its development, as well as actual engine and model for commercial aircraft and helicopter.

Toward the realization of a carbon-neutral society, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) has been developing and cultivating highly efficient power generation and environmental technologies over the years and is working on the use of fuels that do not emit CO2 when combusted, such as hydrogen and ammonia, with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions and decarbonizing thermal power generation.
MHI is creating a future that works for people and the planet by developing innovative power generation technology and solutions to enable the decarbonization of energy and deliver reliable power everywhere.

#26 – Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation
Based on the theme of “Realization of Next Generation Carbon Neutral and Energy Service Promotion”, Toshiba ESS introduce high efficiency combined cycle with hydrogen mixed combustion, on-site construction period reduction with replacement to cutting-edge machine, long life TBC-coating, CPS/DX monitoring and CCUS, as well as new cycle technology such as high pressurized Oxy-Fuel combustion, rock bed thermal energy storage and amine CO2 cycle.

#27 – Turbostream Ltd
The Turbostream solver harnesses the power of GPUs to give unrivalled simulation speed for complex multi-physics simulations. Visit us in booth 27 to find out more.

#28 – Wikov Gear
Wikov Group has been active in mechanical engineering in excess of 130 years, its experience being passed down from generation to generation. For the past 100 years Wikov has been producing gears and mechanical gearboxes.
Wikov is the only successor of the original gearbox manufacturer ŠKODA and its Pilsen factory is located in the same building where ŠKODA brand gearboxes used to be manufactured.
The combination of state-of-the-art machinery and decades of experience has enabled Wikov to manufacture high-end products with progressive design solutions and robust parameters.
Wikov Groupは130年以上にわたって機械業界で活動しており、その経験は世代から世代へと受け継がれてきています。過去100年間、Wikovは歯車と機械式変速機を製造してきました。WikovはオリジナルのギアボックスメーカーであるSKODA社の唯一の後継者であり、そのピルゼン工場は、かつてSKODAブランドのギアボックスが製造されていた建屋と同じ建屋内にあります。最先端の機械と永年にわたる経験の組み合わせにより、Wikovは先進的な設計ソリューションと最適なオペレーションを実現するパラメーターを備えた、高品質製品を提供しています。

#29 – Japanese Aero Engines Corporation
We, Japanese Aero Engines Corporation (JAEC), was established to coordinate and manage the multi-national commercial aero engine programs in 1981, under the guidance of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry with IHI Corporation, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
JAEC is Center of Excellence to promote, develop and produce the commercial aero engines of Japanese National Projects for the international collaborations, such as V2500, PW1100G-JM and so on,

#30 – Tominaga & Co.,Ltd.(EthosEnergy / Camfil)
Wood Group社とSIEMENS社の合弁企業として高い技術と信頼性で世界的に高い評価を得ています。高品質と低コストを両立した製品とサービスにより設備のトータルコストの低減を実現します。ガスタービンの他にも蒸気タービン、発電機、変圧器にも高い技術と世界的な実績を有しています。【ピックアップ】ガスタービン新規部品、修理、発電関連機設備
As joint venture between Wood Group and Siemens, globally they’re supplying proven services and solutions which will provide the maximum cost merit. They also have established technologies and worldwide experiences of Steam Turbines, Generators and Transformers.【Key Products/Services】GT New parts, Repairs and Power Generation Equipment
【Camfil Power Systems】
パワージェネレーション及びオイル&ガス分野における、エアフィルタとガスタービン周辺装置のグローバルリーダーです。ガスタービン吸気システム・サイレンサシステムの供給、アフターサービス、フィルタのアップグレードを通じて、優れたメンテナンス性とエンジン出力の向上を実現します。【出展製品】Cam GT(GT用 中/高性能エアフィルタ)
Global leader in clean air solutions for Power Gen and Oil & Gas applications offering air filters and auxiliary equipment for gas turbines; air inlet & acoustic systems incl. ventilation, after market services, filter upgrades & plant optimization. 【Products:Cam GT Air Filter】

#31 – Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
The origin of Kawasaki’s Jet Engine is dating back to 1942, the success of first test flight of type “Ne-0~4” developed by Kawasaki. Today, Kawasaki supplies helicopter engines for the Ministry of Defense and conduct international joint development and shared manufacturing for passenger aircraft. In addition, the “Kawasaki Gas Turbine” series has been developed from 150 kW class small machines to 30,000 kW class large machines. The emergency power generation facilities and cogeneration systems are highly valued in Japan and overseas.